
Choose the right plan for you.

Time, location, and format are up to you!

Based on your company’s needs, time line, and facilities, Calm Institute will work with you to determine the best ways to reach your employees.

  • In-person or on-line Lunch and Learns can be 45-60 minutes in length allowing employees to work from their desk or in a meeting room.

  • A workshop series discusses stress and practice tools more incrementally.

  • An immersion weekend is a retreat at an off-site location.

  • All sessions can be recorded for future use and review.

How to manage work, life balance & other stresses…

Always remember to go to your breath.

Slow it down, breathe in slightly deeper, breathe out even slower. This is the most readily available tool there is and it is in direct relationship to the nervous system.

If at first the breathe is not very deep, give it a chance to slow and deepen with subsequent breathes.

Pro tip: practice slower, deeper breathing when you do not feel stress, this way you know how to use it when stress happens.

— Holly
Calm Institute Co-Founder

Questions before getting started?

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